On Monday 21st March 2022 World Poetry Day is celebrated. As it was proposed by UNESCO every 21st March as World Poetry Day since it is celebrated in the year 1999. According to Jim Morrison, ” My poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel.”
In Paris, the announcement that was made in the 30th General Conference session of UNESCO declared world poetry day in the year 1999 and 21st March will be celebrated as a world poetry day every year throughout the globe. As referred by the world leaders who claimed that they recognize the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind. Therefore they believe that an international day must be allocated a day to poetry was to encourage young poets and to appreciate the role of poetry in the progress as well as the enlightenment of the globe.
To recall the role of poetry in the survival of ancient languages, in the progress of the world as well as the enlightenment of the world is the purpose of the day. As we all know that the ancient war heroes were encouraged by poetry and in the medieval age revolutionary heroes and their followers were motivated and got inspired by poetry. Though the community of the modern world is indebted to the poets of the past. The poets at that time used several languages in various ways which led to the enrichment and the beautification of the knowledge and the understanding of the human.
Poetry day is popular among people and it’s not a day of public holiday anywhere in the globe. People who are interested or know about this day attend seminars and conferences that are arranged by the government and those nongovernmental agencies. On this special day, some people share their favorite couplets on social platforms, and columnists where write columns where they appreciate the role of poetry and suggest the best suitable topics for poetry in the current era.
Activities that can be done on this special day:
- Buy a good poetry book of your taste or you can download an app
- Explore the best poetry you feel you would enjoy
- Read it intensively
- Share it with your friends
- Give an attempt to write your emotions the way the poet has written
- Follow the hashtag trends on social media: #WPD, #WorldPoetryDay, #PoetryDay
Last but not least I would like to conclude the article by writing a small poem named as to be a woman:
To be a woman
I learned to be a woman by how the world raised me.
Be silent it said so I spoke
It whispered be weak so I grew
Sit down it said so I stood
What it means to be a woman is to be told to be nothing
And become everything.