Here’s the science involved in blowing the conch
In the Hindu religion, blowing conch shells on every auspicious work is considered very sacred and auspicious. Along with this, it also has many scientific benefits, which are easily obtained by the person who blows the conch. If the day is started with the sound of a conch shell, then the day goes very well.
Atharvaveda says:
(1) शंखेन हत्वा रक्षांसि अथर्ववेद – conch shell destroys demons
Yajur-Veda says:
(2) अवरस्पराय शंखध्वम् यजुर्वेद– A conch is blown during wars and battles to intimidate the enemy. One “who blows the conch at the time of worship has all his sins destroyed, and he enjoys happiness with Bhagwan Vishnu.
All these religious beliefs have a scientific basis. Scientists believe that the rays of the sun impede the propagation of sound.
That’s why a conch is blown either in the morning or evening with low-intensity sun rays. The sound of the conch kills all the germs of various diseases, due to its vibration of a particular high frequency.
Indian scientist Jagdish Chandra Bose has proved this fact through instrument:
- Hearing the sound of a conch is a panacea for removing dumbness and stammering. A person who regularly blows conch never suffers from breathing problems, asthma or any lung disease.
- The sound of the conch is highly beneficial in diseases such as T.B., asthma, influenza, liver and spleen. Regular conch sound is very useful in purifying air, atmosphere and environment.
Note: Pregnant women should not blow conch shells, as it puts pressure on their womb.