Following its first discovery in Kerala on May 6, the tomato flu has subsequently spread to other Indian states, including Tamil Nadu, Haryana, and Odisha. Children under the age of five have been the victims of over 82 incidents, but India’s most recent case count has officially surpassed 100.
Here are some important commonly asked questions concerning tomato flu, along with their respective answers, in light of the current high level of worry over the nature of this disease, its symptoms, treatment, and other factors.
So what is tomato flu?
An uncommon viral illness known as “tomato flu” causes blisters that resemble tomatoes (hence the name).
Fever, joint discomfort, and red, tomato-like rashes are the hallmarks of tomato flu or tomato fever, which typically affects children under the age of five. Additionally, diarrhoea, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and tiredness can all be brought on by viral fevers.
While researchers are still trying to identify this virus, new findings lead them to believe it is an enterovirus that resembles Coxsackie A 17.Essentially, it is a clinical version of the viral hand, foot, and mouth disease, which is a common infectious disease that affects both immune-compromised adults and children between the ages of 1 and 10.
Similar to the tomato flu, which is still more likely to transmit through close contact, youngsters are still at higher risk of exposure.
What signs are there of tomato flu?
Large red blisters the size of tomatoes are the main sign of tomato flu, coupled with a high fever, body aches, and joint swelling.
Other symptoms that infected people commonly encounter include cramping in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and discolouration of the hands, knees, and buttocks.
When these symptoms show up, testing should be done at once to look into the epidemic.
What is the remedy for tomato flu?
Tomato flu cannot be specifically treated; as a result, the illness can only be controlled to lessen the pain of the sufferer.
The Lancet research suggests using paracetamol as a supportive treatment for fever, body aches, and other associated symptoms.
The afflicted person has to refrain from scratching blisters and rashes. The irritation brought on by rashes can be reduced with lots of relaxation, beverage intake, and the application of a hot water sponge.
Since tomato flu is a self-limiting infectious disease, its symptoms usually go away in a few days.
What safeguards can be put in place to stop the spread of tomato flu?
The patient should be kept separated for 5-7 days after the development of any symptom, advises the Indian government, to stop the virus from spreading.
To prevent the infection from spreading among children through the interchange of toys, clothes, food, or other objects with other non-infected children, proper hygiene practices should be observed.
Children have also been instructed to cover their coughs and run with handkerchiefs to prevent the spread of the illness.
Is there a serious reason to worry?
According to the latest report, the viral infection is prevalent and currently not life-threatening (restricted to certain areas).
However, to stop subsequent outbreaks, alert and proactive treatment is preferred because of the terrible experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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