SI Jyoti Sudhakar of Kollam Chathannoor police station, who used the mobile phone of the youth killed in the train accident without giving it to the family members of the youth, has been suspended.
SI has been suspended for stealing and mistreatment the phone of a youth WHO was killed in an exceedingly train accident. Chathannoor SI Jyoti Sudhakar has been suspended for thieving whereas he was associate degree SI in Mangalore. The action was taken once the DIG’s investigation unconcealed that Jyoti Sudhakar had taken the phone of the deceased youth and used it with a political candidate SIM card.
Arun, a youth, was found dead by a train on Gregorian calendar month eight at Kaniyapuram in Mangalore station limits. Jyoti Sudhakar took his mobile. Arun’s family conjointly lodged a grievance at a similar station with the grievance that the phone was missing. At that point Jyothi Sudhakar had shifted to Chathannur. associate degree investigation by the new SI unconcealed that Jyoti was mistreatment the official variety on the phone. The mobile was then taken over and rumored to the DIG. Following this, the DIG conducted associate degree inquiry and suspended Jyoti Sudhakar.
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