In a recent development on October 4, Delhi’s Bar and Bench reported that Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan has been granted a divorce from his wife, Aesha Mukerji. The verdict came as the court upheld Dhawan’s allegations of cruelty, asserting that Mukerji had inflicted emotional suffering on the cricketer.
Judge Harish Kumar approved all of Dhawan’s claims against Mukerji, who resides in Australia. The court noted that Mukerji either did not contest or failed to defend herself against the allegations, leading to the approval of Dhawan’s version of events.
The divorce proceedings included discussions on the custody of the couple’s son, Zoravar. While the court did not make a final decision on permanent guardianship, it granted Dhawan the right to visit his son for a specified duration, including overnight stays. The court also allowed the cricketer to engage in video calls with Zoravar.
In a significant move, the Delhi court directed Mukerji to bring the child to India for at least half of the duration of the academic break. This decision aims to ensure continued access and involvement of both parents in the child’s life.
Dhawan’s appeal emphasized Mukerji’s failure to fulfill promises made during their marriage, particularly the commitment to establish a marital home in India. The court considered Dhawan’s argument that Mukerji, residing in Australia with their two daughters, was unable to fulfill these promises.
Furthermore, the court addressed Dhawan’s claims that Mukerji coerced him into transferring a 99% stake in three properties he had acquired using his resources in Australia. Additionally, she allegedly compelled him to share ownership of new properties. The court found that Mukerji did not contest these specific allegations, contributing to the overall ruling.
The court’s judgment stated, “Thus, it stands proved that the woman reneged on her assurance of setting up a marital home in India after marriage and made him suffer a long-distance marriage and endure immense agony and anguish of living independently from his own son for extended periods.”
This divorce case between Shikhar Dhawan and Aesha Mukerji sheds light on the complexities of relationships, with the court intervening to address claims of cruelty and ensure a fair resolution for both parties involved.