On Tuesday, Badri ki dulhaniya Alia Bhatt and Karan Johar were spotted at the Kalina airport in Mumbai. Last week the Badri ki dulhaniya tied the knot with Ranbir Kapoor.
After taking the seven vows the actress has resumed the work and was captured at the Kalina airport. The newly bride has been captured where she’s been seen in a baby pink suit with a colorful handbag while hair done with the soft curls. With a nude makeup the actress was seen by wearing a customary chooda.
When the actress was spotted by the paparazzi she waved her hands to them where she showed off her henna decorated hands and the diamond ring on her finger which well suited her with the attire. At the Kalina airport the famous designer Manish Malhotra was also spotted at the same time.
Soon the newlywed couples can be seen together in the Ayan Mukherji’s new upcoming movie Brahmastra. For the first time the audience will watch both the lovely couples together, the movie is being reportedly made on a $300 crore budget which is the biggest Bollywood films that have ever been made. The film also starred Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy which will release on 9th September.