Akshay Kumar shared significant news with his fans on Instagram on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra. The Khiladi star released a monochromatic picture of himself along with information about the release date of the trailer for his eagerly anticipated movie Ram Setu, which is yet to be released. The star captioned it, “You showered the Ram Setu teaser with so much love and we’re grateful for it.” And he continued where it stated that we’re working extra hard because of how much you adore and are anticipating the trailer of Ram Setu. Now coming to the details of the movie, On October 11th, the trailer for Ram Setu will be released. So, the fans of Bollywood as well as the fans of Khiladi Kumar are preparing to go deep into the universe of Ram Setu in theatres.
Along with this, he also shared a series of pictures from Ram Setu sets—the first being a picture of an underwater exosuit called Makar, which was used during the underwater shoot for the film. Next, he shared a picture of a thrilling action sequence from the film, followed by a picture of him and South actor Satya Dev. Helmed by Abhishek Sharma, the film also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Nushrratt Bharucha, and Satya Dev in the lead roles.
View Akshay’s post here:
In connection with Ram Setu:
Ram Setu was revealed on Diwali of last year, and filming started in March of this year.
The movie is about Aryan Kulshrestha (Akshay Kumar), an atheist archaeologist who became a believer and is the protagonist of the movie. He faces a race against time to establish the veracity of the legendary Ram Setu before evil forces demolish this important piece of Indian history.
The movie’s producers include Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi (Creative Producer), Subaskaran, Mahaveer Jain, and Aashish Singh (Lyca Productions), Vikram Malhotra (Abundantia Entertainment), Aruna Bhatia (Cape of Good Films), and Prime Video.
Zee Studios will release “Ram Setu” in theatres all around the world.
Forthcoming projects of Khiladi Kumar:
Akshay Kumar will appear in OMG 2 alongside Yami Gautam, Pankaj Tripathi, and Arun Govil in addition to Ram Setu. He also has Gorkha, Selfie with Emraan Hashmi, and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan with Tiger Shroff.