As quoted by our Indian politician currently serving as the minister in Home Affairs, Amit Shah gave the statement that Prime Minister Narendra Modi enhanced the value of Indian passport. According to Mr. Shah the world has changed their point of view towards India and BJP is pretty confident that India will become a USD five trillion economy before the year 2024.
Mr. Shah, also mentioned Goa, the region of sailors. He even mentioned the reaction of the previous as well as the current scenario when the Indian sailors showed the Indian passports in the foreign land. But in the current scenario, Shah mentioned ” After seeing an Indian passport , there is a smile in the face of the officers from any foreign land and They say you have come from PM Modi’s country.”
Mr. Shah also mentioned about the Vajpayee govt. how India’s ranking did not increased, was at eleventh position. But PM Modi brought it between fourth and fifth positions. Mr. Shah also stated that he is very confident that we (addressing the BJP members) will achieve the dream of becoming a USD five trillion economy before 2024.
By enhancing the Indian passports, the Modi Govt. is developing chip enabled e- passport. Though the concept was rolled out in 2017. According to the official sources the first one to get these passports will be the diplomats and govt. officials. Then it will be given to the general public.
The passport will come with a capacity to store 30 visits and international movements. The passport holder will have his/ her own photo, fingerprints and digital signature will be stored on the chip. Due to the security reasons this has not be handed over to any commercial agency.
The e- passports will take a few seconds to read the card and it has already been tested by the govt. The e- passports helps to detect counterfeit or manipulated documents and it confirms the identity of the individual.
Travel and tourism is one of the significant instruments for the economic and employment generation in the country. The Tourist Visa on Arrival (TVOA) scheme has played a vital role. The Govt. of India (GOI) has introduced this scheme for the nationals of eleven countries- Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Finland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia.
Some guidelines have also been prescribed for obtaining a tourist visa, in which tourist visa will be given only to a person who does not have residence or business in India, and whose sole purpose of visiting India is entertainment, sightseeing, meeting friends, relatives or casual travel.