What if Sachin Tendulkar had been forced by his parents to choose singing and Lata Mangeshkar to prepare for civil services?
Sounds odd but it is harsh truth of our glorified society that millions of dreams are killed every day. The passion surrenders before pressure and talent lose their identity in the born of responsibilities. Centuries passed there have been a lot of changes in our surroundings but we still are following the trait of 8 to 6 work and spend whole life the same way.
Studies say that there are enormous jobs in the country but the thing we lack is knowledge and quality requirements for example there are more than 12000 vacancies of officers in armed forces. We are stuck in the world of doctors and engineers only and it’s a trend nowadays that the toppers will go for science the average ones for commerce and the rest for humanities.
The first problem starts here only that is peer pressure when one finds his choice differing from his/her colleagues unwontedly one changes the choice. Then as the consequence, we have millions of degree holders but a few of them utilizing it.
The next that comes in series is the pressure of parents, no wonder when a child born since childhood it’s decided what he has to do and what not, also in perusing a carrier parents force children to fulfill their expectations. The parent’s concern majorly arises due to social pressure, because our conservative society poses fear of failure before even a step is taken forward.
For instance, in a country where sports classes are taken by academic teachers, we expect gold’s in Olympics, despite having good players it’s fear of failure and job insecurity that pulls the legs of young blood behind. It’s very common to hear nowadays that life is settling after a government job, but what about job satisfaction and interest in being.
This is a major reason for our low rate of development and lacking in many areas is only the Pressure on dreams. It’s only attributed to social pressure that we have Mukherjee Nagar and Kota like places where unwonted dreams are suppressed under textbooks and the future of the nation forcibly sent into the mobs of job seekers And even under such circumstances one can’t speak due to the pressure of peers, parents, and society.
But today the time demands a revolution where passion wins overpressure and opportunities take over the term ’employment. The most crucial reason for all these is lack of education and exposure to parents and society. The world has shrinken into a global village where from astrophysics to archery, from business management to beurocrats, from singers to share marketing, and from farming to fashion designing enormous opportunities are looking for deserving talents.
There is a need for interaction between youth and guardians for the accomplishment of their ‘delicate dreams’ where parents should motivate their kids upon failure and appreciate upon achievements. Parents can play an important role by encouraging the field of interest of their children as well as being part of society we should also create awareness and promote the budding minds.