Bollywood Khiladi Akshay Kumar’s social comedy-drama film Oh My God 2 has been in the news for a long time. In this, the fans wanted to see Paresh Rawal once again, but it could not happen. The reason behind this has now come to the fore.
As everyone knows, actor Paresh Rawal, who has won the hearts of the audience with his comedy filled style and punch lines, is famous for his impeccable performance. He won accolades by doing similar actions in the film Oh My God.
People liked this film so much that now its sequel i.e Oh My God 2 is going to be made. However, actor Pankaj Tripathi will be seen in place of Paresh Rawal in the lead role of the film. The reason for not doing Paresh Rawal’s film is his increasing demand.
Paresh Rawal had demanded a hefty amount for this film. However, he did not talk to the producers and the actor decided not to do the film. As per reports, Paresh was the first choice for Oh My God! 2 the makers had even started talks with him. Paresh Rawal made a second profit-sharing offer to the producers.
However, the makers did not like the actor’s offer either. He feels that there will already be many producers involved in this project.
Paresh Rawal had demanded a hefty amount for this film. However, he did not talk to the producers and the actor decided not to do the film. As per reports, Paresh was the first choice for Oh My God! 2, in fact, the makers had even started talks with him. Paresh Rawal made a second profit-sharing offer to the producers.
However, the makers did not like the actor’s offer either. He feels that there will already be many producers involved in this project.
Also Read –Arvind Trivedi, who played the role of Ravana in Ramayana, died at the age of 82.