It may sound like I’m kidding but guys its real, an actual national holiday that really does exist. On 23 October every year national slap your annoying co worker day occurs. It differs in the day as well as the week but is celebrated.
In the workplace we’re not creating any kind of violence and I certainly doesn’t appreciate or won’t give you guys any piece of advice to go and actually slap your annoying coworker but here are some funny ways and is totally acceptable to recognize national slap your annoying coworker day without hurting the person or by getting the boot from your job. Because…. Well for obvious reason. Jokes apart.
History of the day
The history of the day, you guys must be wondering with who came up with this idea? And why?
The origin of this day isn’t really that surprising and it actually became well known from “The Office” itself but over the centuries it’s been in the media.
The popular television shows “The Office” in the year of 2009. Pam slaps Michael Scott for having the audacity to date her mom. Since then people addressed 23 October as national slap your annoying coworker day and “The Office” the show became the reference for creating the annual holiday.
It’s the truth that both the coworkers have actually slapped each other in the media long before the office did it.
Ways to celebrate National slap your annoying coworker day:
-Watch the episode of “The Office”
-Share funny, annoying coworker names
-Watch other slap stick humor in the media
-Watch YouTube videos of funny slaps
-Share funny quotes about annoying coworker