The Uttar Pradesh government has launched the ‘learning by doing’ program in over 1,700 schools to overhaul the education system in line with the National Education Policy. This initiative aims to develop Basic Education Council schools as skill development centers, offering students both education and training in various skills. The focus is on enhancing the proficiency of students in grades 6 to 8 in mathematics and science, while also introducing them to fundamental vocational skills and technologies to prepare them for future employment opportunities.
The program will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, it will be introduced in two upper primary schools from all development blocks across the state, totaling 1,772 schools, starting in the academic session of 2023-24. In the second phase, the program will cover all upper primary and composite schools in Uttar Pradesh.
To equip the schools with relevant labs for trades, tools, equipment, and lab setup materials will be procured through the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal. It is estimated that around ₹1,66,493 will be spent per school, making the total expenditure approximately ₹34.73 crore for all 1,772 schools. The Indian government has approved a budget of ₹88.60 crore for the program, providing ₹5 lakh per school under the State Specific Innovative Activities in the comprehensive education annual plan and budget for the year 2023-24.
To ensure effective implementation, workshops will be conducted to develop a module specifically designed for technical instructors and science teachers participating in the ‘learning by doing’ program. These trained educators will then implement the module in their respective schools, and technical instructors’ outsourcing services will also be utilized to ensure smooth execution.
The ‘learning by doing’ program is in line with the National Education Policy 2020, which emphasizes vocational education to develop a skilled workforce. As part of a pilot program, it was initially introduced in 60 schools across 15 districts of Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with UNICEF and Science Ashram. Under this initiative, approximately 60 activities from four trades (engineering and workshop, energy and environment, agriculture, nursery, and gardening, home and healthcare) were mapped to the science and mathematics curriculum for students in classes 6 to 8.
By incorporating practical skills and experimental learning, the program has shown positive outcomes, leading to improved attendance and enhanced learning levels, especially in science and mathematics subjects. The initiative aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, fostering a more holistic and hands-on approach to education in the state.