Jyotiraditya Scindia, the Union Minister for Civil Aviation, stated on Tuesday that the Krishi Udan program has been a great success and that the federal government intends to add an additional 21 airports to the program.
There are at least 31 airports managed by Krishi Udan. We are in discussions with the MOD (Ministry of Defense) about adding an additional 21 airports to Krishi Udan. Reporters were briefed by Scindia about the first G20 Agriculture Deputies Meeting’s second day of discussions.
He claimed that the special flight, Krishi Udan, designed for the swift conveyance of agricultural goods, has been a great success.
Citing instances, he claimed that fruits cultivated in the North East, such as lemon, jackfruit, and grapes, are exported not only to other regions of the country but even to countries like Germany, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and the Philippines.
Delegates will continue discussing four key priority areas on day two of the first meeting of the G20 Agriculture Deputies: food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture with a focus on climate change, inclusive agriculture value-chain, and food supply system, and digitization of agriculture transformation.
The delegates will discuss the major outputs of the Agriculture Working Group on the final day of the conference, February 15.