Comedian Rosie O Daniel and Indian actress Desi girl Priyanka Chopra had an embarrassing encounter who thought she was Deepak Chopra’s daughter.
For not identifying the actress as she felt mortified by the incident the former posted an apology on her social media account.
Rosie elaborates on the awkward situation which she took to her Instagram, posted a video and initially shared it on TikTok.
The comedian narrated the scenario where she seated next to the Quantico star with her singer baby Nick Jonas her husband at Nobu, Malibu when in an effort to say hello to the couple she called Priyanka the daughter of the author Deepak Chopra.
She gave a statement in the video, seated next to was Nick Jonas and his wife someone Chopra which I always assumed was Deepak Chopra’s daughter.
Again she continues, so when I said, Hi Nick Jonas, you were great in the kingdom and Hi (Priyanka) I know your dad. She goes you do? And I told her Deepak there she goes no and Chopra’s a common name added by the comedian Rosie.
The quantum writer is a well known Indian born American author however he’s not related to the talented Indian actress.
The comedian felt embarrassed and told how she messed up the things and she concluded the video by apologizing to Nick Jonas as well as the Indian Desi girl.
As the comedian backlashes her first video she posted another one where she called Priyanka Chopra is more famous than the Jonas brothers and concluded by apologizing for her mistake and taking the Indian actress Priyanka Chopra’s name and she admitted her mistake.