When you add the spirit to your rituals it becomes spiritual. The external meaning of EKADASHI.
UPAVAAS is fasting from beans and grains on the eleventh day [ Shukla Paksha and Krishna
Paksha] or [ waxing and waning both of the moons]. The inner meaning is very interesting it means to stay close to god through all your eleven senses.
Astronomically we know it’s the moon that affects high tides and low tides in the ocean. Apart from the moon being influential in creating taste in the crops, it is the moon’s attraction and pulls that cause high tides. According to Research, the maximum pull of the moon is on Ekadashi from the 10th to the 12th day. We know the human body is 70% water and Grains end up retaining water in your body ( not the flushed out water). Think about the havoc it can create in our bodies.
Forget about your body look at the pulls that are caused by the oceans.
Even according to doctors maximum diseases are either initiated or accelerated by having
grains on the eleventh day. In the study of the DNA, there’s a concept called ‘a Junk DNA ‘ or the telomere, and every time a DNA duplicates a small piece of the telomere is lost. It is like the casing at the end of our shoelace, it protects the information of the DNA from both sides.
The size of the telomere determines your duration of life, the fewer pieces you lose the longer you live. Through repeated experiments, scientists got to know if you want to succeed you must reduce your calorie intake and live a vegetarian life. Daily dieting is good but not feasible. After multiple experiments, scientists found out that the same can be obtained by fasting for 36 hours once in two weeks. The scientists were given the 2009 noble prize for this discovery and Krishna said it was Ekadashi.
Ekadashi Fast is not just spiritual but even on the material plane if you want to live longer,
Please fast.
Varuthini Ekadashi will be observed on Tuesday, 26 April 2022.