Rs 25 crore was demanded to release Aryan Khan, claims NCB witness in affidavit. In this case, Panch Prabhakar has told that Gosavi had demanded Rs 25 crore to release Aryan Khan. According to SAIL’s affidavit, this demand was made by Gosavi on behalf of NCB Chief Sameer Wankhede.
New shocking information is coming out in the drugs case of Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan. Prabhakar Sail, who was Kiran Gosavi’s bodyguard, has made many shocking claims in an affidavit. In a conversation with a news channel, Sail has told that Gosavi had demanded Rs 25 crore to leave Aryan Khan. According to SAIL’s affidavit, this demand was made by Gosavi on behalf of NCB Chief Sameer Wankhede.
Prabhakar Sail has stated in his notarized affidavit that, he was present during the drama after the cruise raid. He saw Kiran Gosavi and a person named Sam meeting near the NCB office. Sal has claimed that Gosavi and Sam had gone to Lower Parel, where a blue-colored car joined them. Prabhakar Sail claims that he saw Shahrukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani sitting in that blue car.
Prabhakar Sail also said in his affidavit that, “He saw Shahrukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani talking to KP Gosavi. He says that later Gosavi asked him to go to a place to collect Rs 50 lakh in cash”.